Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Launch of the Florida Personal Injury Blog

So, why a blog about personal injury in Florida? Well, in the newspapers and on television you always hear about one side.  Typically, some doctor's office getting raided by the FBI or something like that... What you never hear about is how the little guy (that being the person actually injured, the doctor that treats them and the attorney who represents them) is getting "handled" by "big business".  So, we're gonna expose the other truths that you never get in the mainstream media.

Did you know that a few years ago, an automobile insurance company actually accused a local hospital emergency room of fraud just to get out of paying their bills?  Some poor shmo would get into a car accident, get injured, get taken to this E.R. by ambulance and the good physicians and nurses at "the hospital" and the hospital itself were denied payment and the insurance company was screaming fraud.

How absurd!

But other than a select few, you didn't hear about it.

So, the Florida Personal Injury Blog is here to bring you the information.  We're also going to be highlighting the following:

  • Legislative action that can affect your legal or healthcare practice and your personal injury rights.
  • Court decisions that may affect how doctors treat patients and how attorneys present cases
  • The latest insurance company games and tactics to get out of paying healthcare bills.
  • Exposing IME doctors who are merely hatchet men for their insurance company
  • Industry trends that may impact your practice
  • And as the cliché goes: "And Much Much More"....
So if you're a doctor having a difficult time with an insurance company paying your bills, an injured person who's insurance company is giving them the runaround or an attorney representing an injured client, we'd like you to email us about the situation and if it meets our criteria, we'll post it and let the world wide web know....  And, maybe we can help you find a solution.

If you're a patient, doctor or attorney and are having a problem with your auto-insurance company, feel free to use this forum to get the word out.

Remember, the first amendment was enacted to give a voice to the "little guy" and keep the big guys in, now it's time....

Welcome to the world with the Florida Personal Injury Blog!


  1. Finally a forum where truth will prevail instead of deny, delay and don't pay!
