Sunday, February 14, 2010

United Automobile Insurance Company Fighting Fraud??? Are You Kidding Me???

How is it that an insurer that has been caught denying most claims without any justification is now fighting fraud? This is like the fox guarding the hen house. Many doctor refuse to treat those insured by United because United Auto blindly denies so many claims (Go dig through your DVD library and re-watch the movie: The Rainmaker with Matt Damon and you'll understand what we're talking about). For no good cause, United Auto forces their insured to go to “their doctors” to be examined. Their "I.M.E." doctors almost always say care is not needed. Don't your find it funny that people get into car accidents and are ALMOST ALWAYS are deemed to be 'okay' and their benefits cut off.  Tell me that’s not fraud...

United Auto forces most of their insured to go to the home office of United Auto to give a recorded statement simply for making a claim. UAIG does this because when an insured does not go to their doctor or to their statement, United Auto can use this "failure to attend" as a basis to deny their claim and deny their insurance benefits. United Auto is great at taking money from the hard working insured people of Florida, but they have not figured out how to pay claims without putting up hurdle after hurdle to deny claims......

For those that they (UAIG and others) legitimately catch perpetrating fraud - well, kudos to them. But we'll reserve the kudos for UIAG and others, and give them out on a case by case basis. Although there's the appearance of fighting fraud on the surface, it's all about not paying out benefits as the foundation of their efforts. For some not to strange reason, we're still thinking about that fox and the hen house thing. That being said, the stance of the Florida Personal Injury Blog is that all fraud should be stamped out. We'd like to see those with real injuries have their rights protected under the law and the terms of their insurance contracts; and their injuries treated until they are back to "normal" or at least until they've reached maximum medical improvement - with only necessary treatments and diagnostic tests done.

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